Ending Your School Year with Technology and STEAM
The last month of school can be challenging for teachers with the change in weather and the smells of summer. Your students are hungry to be outside, enjoying the beautiful weather. Their brains have begun to shift into “vacation-mode” after the year of learning. It’s a struggle teachers know too well. Do not fear! You are not alone. We have gathered a list of easy technology and STEAM lesson ideas to help engage your students over the next few weeks.
General ideas:
iPad Activities:
End of Year Celebration:
Book Creator is a great technology to use with your students to create digital portfolios of their work throughout the school year or even a class yearbook.
Collaboration Project Ideas:
Kahoot: Your students may be reviewing for end of year assessments and finals. Use Kahoot as a review tool. Students can create their own Kahoots and share with others.
STEAM: STEAM activities can be done outdoors using the playground or even the trees and grass around your school.
Wishing you an easy end of the school year! Summer is right around the corner. You can do it!
Monica Brandwein is the Educational Technology Consultant for DigitalJLearning and The Jewish Education Project.